Shipibo ayahuasca and plant-spirit healing is a reparative, regenerative, and preventative spiritual healthcare system, utilizing sophisticated, structured practices that reach into the psychological, emotional, spiritual, and energetic taproots of trauma.
For the Onanyabo (Shipibo shamanic healers), ayahuasca is not simply a psychedelic experience. It is a nexus to a vast number of plant-spirit medicines that work together to provide a harmony of healing.
This level of healing, carried out by the healers and spirits within the Amazon Rainforest, creates deep and lasting results that are not attainable by working with psychedelics alone or ayahuasca outside of the Amazon.
Metaphorically, it takes a whole orchestra to create the symphony of healing necessary to restore our innate connection with the web of all life on the planet. The Shipibo approach to healing is eco-centric, fundamentally reconnecting us with the natural world.

The Mastery of the Shipibo Healing System
Coming to an ayahuasca retreat in the Amazon, the birthplace and source of the medicine, being supported by the energies, elements, forces, and spirits of the jungle, and guided by the indigenous wisdom keepers of powerful ethnomedical traditions, is the most effective and deepest way to work with ayahuasca.
We create the conditions for nature to heal itself – we are nature! At the deepest level, the Shipibo system understands the symbiosis and synergy in nature, which is at the core of all true healing.
This process lies far beyond our understanding of modern healthcare and sits firmly outside the widespread materialistic understanding of reality. The Shipibo’s perspectives on optimal health radically differ from the general worldview. The key to their healing success lies in their experience working in the inner, non-physical, and non-local realms of being.
Their causal approach challenges the underlying assumptions of the modern biomedical paradigm. In addition to focusing on obvious physical and psychological symptoms, Shipibo healers address the non-physical, energetic sources of disorder and disease; they move beyond the assertions of contemporary science and reach into the quantum/spiritual realms.
This deep healing process ultimately shifts us from operating predominantly from our intellect to allowing our healing practices to be guided, informed, and inspired by our hearts and souls.
Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe – a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel… humble” – Albert Einstein

Program Overview
This program will be facilitated by leaders in psychedelic integration, progressive psychotherapy, and naturopathic medicine, working in deep alignment with the ageless wisdom and complex healing practices of the Shipibo Onayabo.
During the retreat at the Temple, there will be six night-time ayahuasca ceremonies led by our healers, who work together as a plant-spirit-guided medical team. Combined with the ayahuasca healing during the retreat, other plant remedies will be given subject to individual needs, such as plant and flower baths, plant vapor baths, and energetic massages.
This on-site program will offer structure throughout, including individualized attention tailored to each participant’s needs, interests, and goals. Participants will also be expected to explore personal and interpersonal dynamics as they emerge. We will encourage participants to lean toward uncomfortable experiences when they arise, as this is where the alchemy of transformation can deepen.
We will create the ultimate conditions for you to experience profound self-transformation and expand your understanding of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and healing, elevating your life and practice in an embodied and holistic manner.
Focus on Integration
The healing you will receive will cleanse dense energies that have accumulated in your system and bring up many aspects of your past that have been buried in your subconscious.
It is important to understand that this process occurs not only during the ceremonies but also normally for days, weeks, and months after a retreat. Ayahuasca and the plant spirits will continue to work with you after you leave the Temple, and the more self-reflection, courage, responsibility, and awareness you bring to your process during this crucial phase, the more benefits you will gain.
Ayahuasca helps dissolve the illusory self and increases awareness of self-constructed boundaries, highlighting and helping release fear-filled and self-limiting beliefs. Ayahuasca initiates a long-term healing journey that supports overall liberation from the hypnosis of conditioning – shining a light onto your shadow and helping you to become aware of your patterns, intimate with your fears, and consciously parent yourself back to wholeness.
After the retreat, we will hold three monthly group integration sessions on Zoom to support the cohort throughout your ongoing processes.
All retreat participants will also receive complimentary access to the Temple’s new three-month Integration Program, Navigating the Ceremony of Life.
Why Does the Temple Exist?
The foundation of our work, and all retreats at the Temple, are the highly advanced and complex ethnomedical traditions of the Shipibo-Conibo people, an indigenous group from the Ucayali region of the Peruvian Amazon.
We work exclusively with Shipibo Onanyabo, meaning “those who have wisdom.” Authentic Shipibo healers are recognized locally and globally for their expertise in ayahuasca and plant medicines. The Onanyabo at the Temple have undergone decades of rigorous training within a wisdom tradition that has evolved and been transmitted through countless generations.
Our vision is that the mastery of indigenous healers and their ancient traditions are respected and honored worldwide.
Traditional Amazonian plant-spirit healing offers an ancient perspective on the modern epidemic of depression, anxiety, and stress, encouraging a revolution in our healthcare systems and in the way society addresses mental health and the source of chronic disease.
We recognize unresolved personal and trans-generational trauma in all of its different manifestations to be the energetic taproot of all disorder and turmoil, individually and collectively, across the planet.
The resolution of trauma leads to completion, wholeness, and connection and is the most significant mechanism for individual, social, and global transformation.