Setting & Safety

We are witnessing a global spiritual renaissance that is reawakening our connection to Mother Earth, and in the process, breaking the hold of patriarchal materialistic systems of control and the mechanistic worldview that disavows the sacred and the interconnection of all life. Working with Divine Feminine Energy The re-emergence of…
The safety of our guests is paramount. All the healers and facilitators who work at the Temple of the Way of Light have many years of experience holding ayahuasca ceremonies and facilitating the responsible use of ayahuasca in its traditional context. Your well-being is our priority, both in and out…
One of the keys to facilitating the most effective healing process is the combination of advanced healers with highly trained facilitators. By creating a reassuring atmosphere of safety, support, compassion, and trust throughout our ayahuasca retreats, facilitators carry out a vital role in supporting the healing process that is being…
From the inception of the Temple, our core philosophy was to ensure that we provided an atmosphere of genuine care and compassion. We firmly believe that a compassionate healing environment is an essential component of the overall healing process. While it takes courage to work with ayahuasca, if we don’t…