Preparation & Integration
At the Temple, our priority is to provide a secure, safe, and sacred space for you to heal deeply and transform your life. Focusing on ayahuasca preparation before you leave for the Amazon is a critical aspect of the healing process; establishing a clear intention and ensuring you prepare your…
When we dive into unintegrated blockages, it may appear that our experience is worsening. But this is a necessary part of the process. By this we mean blockages are projected onto the screen of the world. Our experience appears to deteriorate into increasing discomfort and strangeness. Conversely, however, these experiences…
It is necessary that you agree to disclose, in confidence, any known medical conditions and/or use of any medication, at the time of booking. By coming to the Temple, you are declaring that you are in a physical and mental condition appropriate to the activities described in the workshop programs,…
Integrating ayahuasca healing is as important as the process that happens on an ayahuasca retreat. It’s what you do with the teachings and insights that you get from the medicine, as well as how you take care of yourself and make changes in your life that ensure your ongoing process…
“Throughout recorded and oral history, it has been the task of the shaman, or tribal healer, to help restore balance and health to individuals and communities where it has been disrupted,” writes Peter Levine. “In contrast to Western medicine, which has taken its time in recognizing the debilitating effects of…
Please note that although we are happy to recommend reading materials, it is important to know that one can never truly grasp the profound benefits or “intellectualize” about the experience of ayahuasca. Ayahuasca works beyond the constraints of the mind and if you are new to the medicine, then it…
One of the most important aspects of working with ayahuasca is adhering to a honored tradition of following a special Ayahuasca dieta in order to prepare not just the body, but also the mind and soul to incorporate the healing energy of ayahuasca. Following the Ayahuasca dieta also shows the…