Adela Pimintel Chocano

Adela’s Shipibo name is Rishin Kabi - The woman who heals.

Adela comes from the Shipibo community of Flor de Ucayali. She is the mother of eight children and the grandmother of three. Adela comes from a lineage of respected Shipibo healers. As a young girl, she loved participating in ayahuasca ceremonies with her grandfather, a respected and renowned healer in their region.

She was inspired by the way he worked with the plants, awe-struck by his icaros and the deep healing she witnessed, and decided she, too, wanted to learn to heal and help people. At twenty-five, she was ready to commit to the path of apprenticeship. Motivated by a strong desire to care for her children’s health and help others, she reached out to her grandfather to teach her.

She remembers her grandfather asking her if she was committed. He said that learning from the plants was not a game but something sacred, challenging, and to be taken very seriously. She confirmed she was fully committed, understood the implications of her decision to train, and sincerely wanted to help her family and others like she had seen him do.

A whole year of dieta followed, during which she stayed isolated entirely in her house. At the end of that year, her grandfather said that her path with the plants was now open and that they would support her for the rest of her life. He started to serve her ayahuasca, and from there, she learned with him in ceremony how to work with the energies of the plants she had dieted to heal people.

Her reputation as a powerful healer grew and many people sought her help with physical, emotional and energetic problems. She worked as a respected Onanya in her community for seven years, before being recommended by a fellow healer to work in a centre with Westerners.

Since then, she has worked all over Peru and takes great joy in sharing her medicine. She really enjoys her work, especially seeing the results when her patients are liberated from pain and sadness. She sees her path with the plants as her life’s work and is dedicated to continuing to diet and learn from them in order to better help her family and other people and to continue to improve herself.

  • 12 Days
    6 Ceremonies
    $ 4,440

    Living in Alignment: Ayahuasca Healing Retreat

    The backbone of our work and regular retreat offering, providing an immersion in traditional Shipibo plant-spirit healing complemented with yoga classes, individual and group support, and powerful methods of self-inquiry.
  • 12 Days + 5 Days
    6 Ceremonies
    $ 5,700

    Ayahuasca Healing Retreat + 5-Day Integration Retreat

    A 12-Day ‘Living in Alignment’ Ayahuasca Healing Retreat with an added 5-day Integration Extension Retreat at the Temple.
  • 12 Days
    6 Ceremonies
    $ 4,440

    Women’s Ayahuasca Healing Retreat

    For this retreat we will be working exclusively with female facilitators and female support staff. There is something very special that happens when a group of women come together to heal!
  • 12 Days
    12 Ceremonies
    $ 5,500

    Healthcare Practitioners Ayahuasca Retreat

    This special 12-day ayahuasca retreat is designed to ‘heal the healers’ and is offered only for healthcare professionals in medical and mental health settings.
  • 14 Days
    5 Ceremonies
    $ 2,000

    Traditional Plant Dietas at Shipibo Rao

    We are honored to support Maestro Jose Lopez Sanchez and his healing center, Shipibo Rao. Maestro Jose runs 14-day dietas working in the Shipibo tradition.
    Visit Shipiborao's website to book
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