Edith Burga Ochavano

Edith was born in the community of Nueva Sucre in Contamana. She has 3 children and 12 grandchildren.
Her grandfather was a village healer and she started attending his ceremonies when she was 14 years old. She began to feel a strong call from the plants and at the age of 22 she started to diet. Her first diet lasted 1.5 years with Pinon Colorado, Marusa and Bobinsana.
After this diet she started working with her grandfather to heal the local people. Her grandfather told her to never leave her 3 plants and to always work and heal with them. Her grandfather, before he died, left her the responsibility to continue with the ancestral knowledge and since then she helps and heals with her songs of love.
After feeling the call to share her medicine with the world, she began to collaborate with Maestro José Lopez Sanchez in Shipibo Rao and then was invited to the Temple.
Edith carries a medicine of pure love and light. Her faith in plants has deep roots. To have her on the team with her warm and sweet character is a blessing.